게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Much-needed reform

튼씩이 2019. 11. 3. 14:53

Ruling party lacks sense of crisis after Cho case

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) has come under growing criticism for failing to listen to the voices of the people since the nation was sharply divided over the controversial appointment of Cho Kuk as justice minister. There is a sense of crisis for the survival of the liberal party among reform-minded party members. But the DPK leadership has continued to turn a deaf ear to cries for change.

It is no exaggeration to say that the governing party is in a quagmire due to a lack of leadership and the competence to play an important role in promoting national unity and harmony. Most of its lawmakers have also neglected their obligations to check the executive branch.

When President Moon Jaein nominated Cho to lead the Ministry of Justice in August, the DPK should have delivered to the presidential office the public's opposition to the corruption scandal-hit nominee. on the contrary, it was engrossed in defending Moon's pick despite a majority of Koreans objecting to Cho. What the party has done over the past three month is nothing but a betrayal of the people. The DPK has lost momentum in spearheading reform through reflecting the people's aspirations for democracy.

That's why several freshmen DPK lawmakers are now raising their voices for reform of the party. They are Reps. Rhee Cheolhee, Pyo Changwon and Cho Eungcheon. They are drawing much attention not only from the party, but also from the public, because of their courage for self-criticism. They have expressed their shame and frustration with the party, especially its leadership, which has put partisanship before the interests of the nation and the people.

Rhee and Pyo have recently announced their decision not to seek re-election. The decision is the direct result of the party's inability to better reflect public opinion and advocate for the democratic values of equality, fairness and justice which were damaged by the appointment of Cho. Their move has sent a clear message that the party cannot survive unless it changes itself.

Rhee said in an interview with local media, "What was most baffling is that the party has hidden behind the President." His remark was intended to express his frustration at the party doing nothing but follow the instructions of Moon and his office.

He deserves praise for holding DPK Chairman Lee Haechan responsible for the current political impasse. Rhee's criticism of the leadership is based on his recognition that the DPK's efforts to save Cho have contributed to rallying progressives behind the party and the Moon administration, but have led young adults in their 20s and centrists to withdraw their support.

Chairman Lee and his party should keep in mind what the freshmen lawmakers said. They must feel the sense of crisis. They should no longer try to protect their vested interests and engage in dog-eat-dog partisan struggles. They should reform the party to better represent what the people are calling for. Or they may suffer a defeat in the next general election set for April 2020.

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