게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Truth about ultrafine dust

튼씩이 2019. 11. 23. 15:01

Joint research holds China accountable for air pollution

China's contribution to ultrafine dust in Korea has been confirmed in concrete figures for the first time. According to the summary of a joint study by Korea, China and Japan, about 32 percent of ultrafine dust in Korea can be attributed to China. An average of 51 percent of ultrafine dust here originates from domestic factors, the report released by the National Institute of Environmental Research noted.

The research has limitations to fully grasping China's influence on Korea's air pollution, as it was based on surveys conducted in just 2017, and dealt with only fine dust. Also, the figures resulting from the three countries' respective analyses varied widely, and participants had to rely on simple average values. Many Koreans may also find the Chinese factor underreported because the research excluded the high-density period between December and March. During winter months, up to 70 percent of fine dust in the country reportedly comes from its giant neighbor to the west.

Nevertheless, the recent study is quite significant in that it can be the starting point for regional cooperation to cope with fine dust pollution. It will likely serve as the scientific basis for the countries to address air quality issues diplomatically and politically. Especially encouraging is China's cooperative stance to the study, given Beijing's negative, uncooperative attitude until last year. Now that the three nations have taken the first step, Seoul needs to elicit the appropriate response from Beijing and Tokyo. A special committee under the Prime Minister's Office announced the "Clear Sky Project" recently, seeking to carry out joint programs with China to reduce air pollution and develop them into a regional treaty.

No less important is to make efforts to ease the domestic factors. The Moon Jaein administration announced a comprehensive plan recently to control fine dust for the 2020-2024 period. Related ministries and agencies ought to work out adequate programs to implement them without a hitch so that we can avoid passing down the disgraceful epithet of "Backward country in fine dust" to future generations.

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