게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Suffocating fine dust

튼씩이 2019. 3. 7. 08:36

Authorities should take bolder action to ensure clean air

The poeple's fear of fine dust has become a daily occrruence now as the city and harmfuo particles enveloped the entire country, including the hitherto clean Jeju Island, for the sixth consecutive day wednesday. Since Feb. 20, only one day had on fine dust, proving how serious the situation is.

However, the government remains virtually helpless, takign only expedient measures such as issuing warnings through text messages to citizens' mobile phones and advising them to wear a mask, keep their children indoors and halt outdoor activities.

Of course, the Moon Jaein administration is taking typical "emergency" measures such as banning the operation of old diesel vehicles and civil servant's cars, and reducing the operation of coal- and oil-fired power plants. But they have been proven ineffective in lowering the fine dust level. Rather, many people complain the government is only waiting for a strong wind to wipe out the choking dirty air.

The fine dust "attack" seriously damages the quality of life. Without removing the fear of the dirty air, the people can never be happy, even though the nation has achieved the long-awaited goal of an income of $30,000 per capita.

The government should do everything it can to ensure the people's right to breathe clean air. Yet the only solution for now appears to be restricting the operation of vehicles, while encouraging citizens to use public transportation such as subways, buses and taxis. The compulsory odd-even operation of vehicles according to their plate number could be a good option for the government to choose under the current situation.

It has been largely perceived that a huge portion of fine dust comes from industrial sites in China. The government should engage in more diplomatic efforts to reduce the fine dust coming from the neighboring country. The worsening air pollution is not only a national disaster, but an international shame in that it is the worst among OECD member countries.

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