게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Looming bus strike

튼씩이 2019. 5. 13. 09:11

President Moon Jaein's push for the 52-hour workweek is facing intense backlashes from various sectors of the nation's workforce.

In the latest case, unionized bus drivers have decided to stage a strike this week before the shorter workweek goes into practice. The drivers claim they could face pay cuts of up to 1 million won ($850) if the new regulation is put into effect. Companies with more than 300 drivers must adhere to the new workweek starting July.

According to the Korean Automobile and Transport Workers' Federation, more than 30,000 drivers from nine out of 11 major cities and provinces were in favor of staging a nationwide strike on May 15.

If the strike takes place, it is feared to have a grave impact on the citizens' lives nationwide as many people rely on buses to get to work and other crucial destinations. Given that buses are an indispensable means of commute for many citizens, it is unfortunate that the drivers have decided to resort to a nationwide strike rather than seek an agreement with their employers and the relevant officials.

The government should prepare countermeasures to ensure a smooth commute for the citizens if the strike occurs. Prime Minister Lee Nakyon held a meeting Sunday and urged relevant local governments to prepare mediation plans.

While many agree with Lee that the strike could distort the true purpose of the shorter workweek, the government nonetheless has the responsibility to address the issues raised by the bus drivers. The government should prepare measures to protect the livelihoods of the bus drivers and other workers whose wages could be affected by the new regulation.

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