게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Failure to reveal truth

튼씩이 2019. 6. 6. 16:37

Ex-vice minister cleared of sexual assault charges again

The prosecution has yet again failed to shed light on the high-profile sex scandal involving a former prosecutor and Vice Justice Minister Kim Hakeui. Now it faces growing calls to reform itself to ensure the rule of law and better serve the people.

Concluding an investigation into Kim, Monday, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office indicted him only on bribery charges. The office cleared him of sexual assault allegations. Kim was investigated twice earlier, in 2013 and 2014, over similar allegations, but he was cleared of all charges due to a lack of evidence.

A team of prosecutors reopened the case in March to dig into the sex scandal involving Kim. Its aim was to confirm allegations that he managed to avoid any charges by taking advantage of his powerful position. The re-investigation was also part of efforts by President Moon Jaein to target mishandled cases and root out corruption in law enforcement.

However, the team failed to get to the bottom of the allegations that Kim received sexual favors between 2006 and 2008 at a luxurious rural villa of a builder, Yoon Jungcheon. Yoon was arrested and indicted on sexual assault and bribery charges. But Kim was not indicted on charges of raping women and receiving sexual services from Yoon.

The prosecutors also found "no evidence" proving another allegation that in 2013 the presidential office under disgraced former President Park Geunhye allegedly influenced the investigation into Kim to help him escape punishment. The results of this latest probe also stated no evidence was found to indicate that the prosecution was engaged in a cover-up to protect Kim.

Kim was detained last month on suspicions of sexual assault. But the prosecution failed to indict him on any sex-related charges. The failure is prompting many people to question the "final" investigation results of the sex scandal.

It is natural for the public to express disappointment at the results because a leaked video clip already showed a group of men, including one believed to be Kim, having a sex party with about 30 women at Yoon's villa.

The prosecution has done nothing but invite criticism for not laying bare the truth in the Kim case. This explains why the country can no longer delay reform of this branch of law enforcement. There is no reason for the prosecution to exist if it cannot ensure that no one is above the law.

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