게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Prevent workplace bullying

튼씩이 2019. 7. 20. 15:41

It's time to create new work culture to elminiate abuse of power, mistreatment

Bullying in the workplace is not something that started just yesterday. The persistent pattern of mistreatment mostly by someone with authority over workers, however, has been left unattended, so far, unlike the typical school bullying.

It's a bit late, but the Labor Standards Law was revised to ban bullying in the workplace last year and went into effect Tuesday to criminally punish bullies. Yet, the amended law has no provision to punish perpetrators. It only stipulates that the company should verify a victim's allegation that he or she has been bullied at work and decide whether or not the reported case actually took place.

Companies or their managers are only required to take disciplinary action against bullies. They may face punishment of up to three years in jail or up to 30 million won ($25,450) in fines in case they put victims at a disadvantage for reporting what they suffer.

The revised law defines workplace bullying acts by those in a superior position against their subordinates which cause physical or mental pain to the victim or deteriorating their work environment. Bullying also includes acts committed by a perpetrator who goes beyond the bounds of what is considered appropriate for work.

The new law can be interpreted as suggesting a direction for both employers and employees to work together to prevent bullying in the workplace. Its eventual purpose is to get rid of mistreatments of workers by their bosses or even peers such as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical abuse or personal humiliation.

The enforcement of the changed law should make a turning point in creating a new work culture in the nation when a series of cases of abuse of power and mistreatment are still reported one after another.

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