게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Overhaul petition system

튼씩이 2020. 5. 23. 17:08


It is necessary to address the ill effects of division


Cheong Wa Dae's online petition system marks its 1,000th day in operation Friday. The petition board, which was established Aug. 17, 2017, as a two-way communication channel by remodeling the then bulletin board, reflects President Moon Jae-in's philosophy that “the government answers if the public asks.”


The government is required to respond to petitions that collect over 200,000 signatures within 30 days. Data released by the presidential office shows that 689,273 petitions were submitted to its webpage in the first two years and two months after its opening. This is equivalent to 851 petitions filed per day and 245,000 people visited the board a day on average.


It drew petitions on a variety of subjects, ranging from highly personal complaints to divisive social and political issues. A petition calling for the dissolution of the opposition Liberty Korea Party, the predecessor of the main opposition Untied Future Party, garnered over 1.8 million signatures in April last year. Another petition requesting the impeachment of President Moon drew nearly 1.5 million signatures.


It's undeniable that the petition system has become an important tool for gauging public opinion as anyone can file a petition anonymously. The system enabled the people to be closer than ever to the government and some proponents claim that the country's direct democracy has gone up a notch.


But dissenting voices are formidable too. The site has been criticized for serving merely as a channel to vent emotions, cause division in society, undermine the separation of powers and alienate minorities. More than anything else, its effectiveness is in doubt as many petitions require the government to have consultations with the judiciary, parliament and local governments.


It's time for Cheong Wa Dae to overhaul the petition system across the board. What's most disheartening is that it divides the country and incites political conflict. It should focus on how faithfully it can respond to petitions rather than simply caring about the number.



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