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Declared mayoral bid

튼씩이 2020. 12. 22. 20:04


Ahn should present new policies, vision


Ahn Cheol-soo, head of the minor opposition People's Party, said Sunday he will run in the mayoral by-election for Seoul set for next April. “I have decided to run to put an end to the reckless ways of the current administration,” he said during a press conference at the National Assembly.


He emphasized the need for opposition parties to join forces at any cost to prevent the ruling party from prolonging its rule through the next presidential election. He vowed to do what he could toward that end. “If we lose the mayoral by-election, we would have less chance in the presidential election,” he said.


“I will become the flag bearer as the single candidate of the opposition bloc and lead the drive in curbing the ruling party's unilateral way of managing state affairs,” he said. His declared mayoral bid drew much attention as it could stimulate the currently lackluster move to field a single mayoral candidate in the opposition camp.


Despite Ahn's resolve to pave the way for the opposition to win the presidential race, however, critics said his mayoral ambition seems unfeasible. They say Ahn might be trying to gain the public spotlight again with his mayoral bid. Though seen as one of the presidential hopefuls, Ahn has been suffering setbacks with a minimal support rate.


In a meeting of the party's supreme leaders Monday, Ahn pledged to form an alliance of opposition parties for the municipal administration once he is elected. “Based on the alliance, we will show the capability of the opposition force and lay the groundwork for victory in the presidential election,” he said.


He heaped criticism on the Moon Jae-in administration. “They still refuse to face the truth, only claiming their righteousness. Different from the Moon administration, we will widely open the doors to ordinary citizens so that they can participate in the Seoul administration.”


Potential candidates of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP) welcomed Ahn's bid. Yet they are unlikely to cooperate with him in his bid to become the sole candidate on behalf of the opposition. In other words, Ahn will face a tough challenge in becoming the sole opposition candidate.


Instead of sticking to political popularity only, Ahn needs to present new policies and a vision to make Seoul a better place. Otherwise he cannot win the hearts and minds of voters. He should focus on how to improve the living standards of Seoul residents amid the raging COVID-19 pandemic.


Ahn has occasionally become the target of criticism for his “opportunist” attitude and carpetbaggery in running for president or Seoul mayor after a frequent lull for overseas stays. It is time for Ahn to make sincere efforts to serve the people's best interests. Despite growing controversy involving his declared mayoral bid, we hope the move will bring about a meaningful change in the beleaguered opposition bloc.