게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Death of abused baby

튼씩이 2021. 1. 10. 14:00


Overhauling post-adoption care system is imperative


Public anger is mounting over the horrific death of a 16-month-old adopted baby. The baby girl, named Jung-in, died at a hospital in Seoul, Oct. 13, 2020, just hours after being taken to an emergency room by her adoptive mother. She was adopted last January by a couple with a four-year-old biological daughter.


The National Forensic Service concluded that she died of serious internal bleeding from her organs caused by external impacts to her body. She also showed signs of prolonged abuse such as fractured bones and bruising.


The severity of the abuse revealed by SBS' investigative TV show “Unanswered Questions,” Saturday, was shocking indeed. What enraged the public even more was that Jung-in could have been rescued if police had responded properly to three reports of suspected child abuse filed by a daycare teacher, an acquaintance of the girl's adoptive parents and a pediatrician.


Police officers apparently neglected their duty of confirming that Jung-in had been abused. They cannot avoid criticism for not delving into the case more closely based on the reports. That is why some critics are calling the officers “accomplices” in the death of the toddler. Police are also inviting the ire of the public for imposing slap-on-the-wrist punishments for those responsible for the case.


Every time appalling child abuse cases make headlines, the government is quick to announce expanded measures. However, such stopgaps have not worked properly, resulting in an increase in child abuse cases year after year.


Unveiling new measures aimed at ensuring the well-being and safety of adoptees Tuesday, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said the government will push for stronger penalties for child abusers. Certainly, Chung knows very well that the overwhelming majority of children have not lost their lives due to the absence of such countermeasures. Strengthening penalties is necessary, but what's even more important is that the police and related agencies should do some soul-searching for their failure to protect vulnerable children through their inaction and complacency. It will be impossible to prevent another tragedy without overall improvements in the post-adoption review system.