게시판/더 나은 미래를 위해

Dispute over relief funds

튼씩이 2021. 1. 19. 13:09


Gyeonggi governor should take some time before executing decision


The Gyeonggi Provincial Government has decided to provide another round of disaster relief funds for everyone living in the province. The decision was made in the form of Governor Lee Jae-myung accepting a proposal from the province's assembly, which argued that the provision of relief funds was necessary to help residents struggling with the prolonged coronavirus pandemic and to stimulate consumption. This time, around 580,000 foreign residents of the province will also receive 100,000 won ($90) each in digital currency in early April.


It's not surprising that Gov. Lee made such a decision, given his track record of gaining greater political weight by returning money to taxpayers in the name of “cash welfare” from the time when he was the mayor of Seongnam. The lawyer-turned-politician, who is on top in the latest polls of support for presidential hopefuls, appears eager to solidify his position by leaping ahead of other aspirants through his sugar-coated plethora of policies.


The atmosphere in the ruling bloc is somewhat different, however. While Lee has always advocated for universal welfare, there has been a trend of holding the governor in check amid the debate over providing another round of nationwide disaster relief payments. Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has especially blasted the governor by stating that the political community should shake off its simple-minded approach toward relief handouts.


Many have strong opinions about Lee. Some praise him for being sensible, bold and straightforward while others criticize him for being a populist, self-righteous and elusive. With respect to his decision to again dole out money, there is the negative view that Gyeonggi residents are not unique in suffering from the COVID-19 fallout, and that Lee is politicizing the disaster relief issue.


Given the profound financial plight of small business owners and the country's limited resources, it might not be easy for Lee's universal payment plan to gain traction. He should take some time before executing his decision, considering that the central government is ready to discuss with the ruling and opposition parties another round of nationwide disaster payments. Haste makes waste.



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